U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa)
"There’s always a need for volunteers so every child in foster care can have a special advocate in his or her corner."

The Honorable J. Dean Lewis (retired)
Editor, Judges Page newsletter
"Judges have a keen awareness that dependency courts cannot address all of the needs of abused and neglected children and their families alone. They know that a successful CASA/GAL program and its dedicated volunteers are essential to effectively serving abused and neglected children. I applaud the work of the CASA/GAL volunteers and all who support their advocacy on behalf of our most vulnerable children."

Marian Wright Edelman
Founder and President, Children's Defense Fund
"Keeping children safe must be everybody's business. CASA volunteers play a unique role on behalf of some of our most vulnerable children. Their commitment, vigilance and persistence offer hope where there has been little. They help to light the way for these children—and for all of us."

Anna Quindlen
Author and Columnist
"The lawyers know the statutes, the social workers the regulations. But the CASA volunteer is assigned to know the child, one child at a time, to understand the boundaries of her life, to telephone her teachers, to consider her hopes and dreams, to try to come to some conclusion about what will be in her best interests. For children whose pasts have been chaotic and whose futures are uncertain, the CASA volunteer may be the most consistent, interested presence in their lives."

The Honorable Robert Brutinel
Presiding Judge, Yavapai County Superior Court
"The one constant I see in children’s lives is the CASA. They are the ones that receive the graduation announcements. They are the ones still called upon to be mentors for children as they continue to grow and become adults. I thank them for all the things they have taught me about being a better judge and about being a better human being."

U.S. Senator Jerry Moran
"CASA is recognized in Kansas and across the country as a model for watching over and protecting children in the court system. What makes CASA so successful is highly motivated volunteers and their ability to devote the time and attention needed to help one child at a time. The advocates and volunteers for CASA make a lifelong difference for children."
Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt: "CASA volunteers provide a critical service to Kansas children going through incredibly difficult situations. I am proud to support their mission of supporting caring, local volunteers to advocate on behalf of children in need."
Chief Justices and State Court Administrators: "The Conference of Chief Justices and the Conference of State Court Administrators recognize and commend the efforts and contributions of the CASA volunteers in assisting children before the court."
National Association of Counties (NACo): "Counties have a long history of support for CASA programs. Evaluations have found that CASA volunteers excel in advocating for a child's best interest and are appointed to the more complex cases. NACo supports Congressional reauthorization of the CASA program under the Violence Against Women Act."
Pew Commission on Children in Foster Care: "CASA is a proven means of strengthening the voice of children in dependency courts."
American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law: "CASA is an effective way that private citizens can respond to our nation's child protection emergency."
Governor Brown issued a call to action for National Foster Care Month about the importance of community support for foster children and their families.
In her annual proclamation, she highlighted volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) as a way for people to get directly involved with foster children and ensure that they have strong advocacy in the court and child welfare systems.
"We are so fortunate in Oregon to have so many, like CASAs, who devote themselves to creating safe, nurturing environments that enable our children to thrive," said Governor Brown. "Yet, the rapid growth of children in foster care means that progress in their care is outpaced by the stresses that substance use, housing instability, behavioral health issues, and domestic violence have put on Oregon’s families. We can support caseworkers and families in Oregon’s foster care system by tackling these root causes."