For Kids in Care
This local non-profit organization provides free and fully designed cakes and cupcakes to children in care to help them celebrate specific milestones and events.
These cakes are available to celebrate:
Birthdays, Quinceañeras, and Sweet 16's
Graduation Parties
Adoption & Guardianship Ceremonies and Anniversaries
Educational or other Ceremonies
Major Personal Milestones
Special Events
And so much more!
Our goal is to bring smiles to kids in care and let them know they are loved!
To order your custom cake, submit a request to
Laurie Rappoport at bakeforkidslinnbenton@gmail.com
Please include:
Date needed and delivery and contact information
Theme, color and any design preferences
Cake or cupcakes, and number of servings
Lettering requested on cake
Any allergy or food sensitivity requests
We love to celebrate birthdays, adoptions, and special events!
To put in an order for a baked good, please include the details of the item you'd like (listed on left side of this page) in an email or phone call to service.coordinator@casa-vfc.org
or (541) 753-5838
The Corvallis Fire Department provides free child passenger safety checks by appointment.
A certified child safety technician can correctly install a carseat for a parent or caregiver, provide personal instruction on correct use, and ensure the child is safe and using the correct car seat for their age and size.
Please call (541) 766-6961 to schedule your appointment.

For more information on how to safely install children's car seats, we recommend these resources:
http://www.oregonimpact.org/Child_Passenger_Safety showing Oregon and local resources.
http://www.chop.edu to watch videos on how to install a car seat from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
http://www.safekids.org for the ultimate guide to car seats and more.
http://www.nhtsa.gov for car seat recalls from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
A law requiring that children between the ages of four and six, or who weigh between 40-60 pounds, be “properly secured with a child safety system that elevates the person so that a safety belt or harness fits....” went into effect on January 1, 2002. If you need help making sure your child safety seat or booster seat is installed properly, your Fire Department can assist you.